Recent & Upcoming Talks


CLASSIC biweekly meeting: Snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the Climate and Carbon cycle of Arctic regions

This talk describes the preliminary work intended to serve as a basis for the development of a multilayer snow model adapted for the …

Colloque CEN 2024: Snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the Climate and Carbon cycle of Arctic regions (SnowC2)

One of the current limitations of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC) is the use of a …


RIVE / ECCC CRD seminar: From ORCHIDEE to CLASSIC: improving the simulated snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the climate

Two studies carried out during my PhD and my current 2-year postdoc project will be presented. The first study investigates climate …

ORCHIDEE DEV: Reducing the High Mountain Asia cold bias in GCMs by adapting snow cover parameterization to complex topography areas

PhD defense: Modeling climate trends and variability in High Mountain Asia to understand cryosphere changes

The High Mountain Asia (HMA) is hosting the largest ice stock after the polar regions. This resource provides a freshwater supply to …


IGS2022: Adaptation of a snow cover scheme for complex topography areas

Snow cover strongly modulates the energy fluxes between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. Indeed, snow has generally a much …

IMC2022: Adaptation of a snow cover scheme for complex topography areas

With an average elevation of 4000 m, High Mountain Asia (HMA) and the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are hosting the third largest reservoir of …

EGU2022: Adaptation of a snow cover scheme for complex topography areas

Snow cover strongly modulates the energy fluxes between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. Indeed, snow has generally a much …

SnowHydro2022: Adaptation of a snow cover scheme for complex topography areas

Snow cover strongly modulates the energy fluxes between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. Indeed, snow has generally a much …


Comite de Thèse - 2ème année

Modélisation de la variabilité climatique et de ses liens avec la cryosphère dans les Hautes Montagnes d’Asie


Paramétrisation de la couverture de neige prenant en compte la variation de topographie sous-maille dans LMDZ/Orchidée

Réunion chantier HMA : CMIP6 HMA paper

Climate change in the High Mountain Asia simulated with CMIP6 models


Journée des Thèses 2020

Modélisation de la variabilité climatique et de ses liens avec la cryosphère dans les Hautes Montagnes d’Asie

Comite de Thèse - 1ère année

Modélisation de la variabilité climatique et de ses liens avec la cryosphère dans les Hautes Montagnes d’Asie

Reunion Utilisateurs LMDZ

Bias Analysis in the High Mountains of Asia (HMA)

LMDZ for Regional Climate Studies

LMDZ for regional climate study : “cold bias” in High Mountain Asia (HMA)

PEDALONS: Zoom and Regional Climates

Modélisation de la variabilité et des tendances climatiques en Himalaya pour une meilleure compréhension de leurs impacts sur la cryosphère


AGU2019: Convolutional Neural Networks for Estimating Atmospherically-forced Sea Level Variations

The variability of sea-level anomalies (SLA) observed by satellite altimeters combines two components: a forced component paced by the atmospheric variability, and an intrinsic and chaotic component emerging from the ocean itself.

Journée des Thèses 2019

Quick presentation of my PhD

OST/ST2019: Attenuating the ocean chaotic variability in altimetric observations: from band-pass filtering to machine learning

The variability of sea-level anomalies (SLA) observed by satellite altimeters combines two components: a forced component paced by the atmospheric variability, and an intrinsic and chaotic component emerging from the ocean itself.