Mickaël Lalande

Mickaël Lalande

Postdoc Fellow



I’m currently a postdoc fellow at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) / RIVE / GLACIOLAB funded by the ESA Climate Change Initiative on “ Snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the Climate and Carbon cycle of Arctic regions (SnowC2)” under the supervision of Christophe Kinnard and Alexandre Roy. The main objectives of this project are to improve the current snow model in CLASSIC and assess the influence of these new developments in the Arctic.

Before that, I received my PhD at the Institute of Environmental Geosciences (Grenoble, France) on “ Modeling climate trends and variability in High Mountain Asia to understand cryosphere changes” supervised by Martin Ménégoz and Gerhard Krinner, where I mainly focused on a CMIP6 multimodel study and on improving the representation of topography in snow cover parameterizations using the ORCHIDEE land surface model.


  • Snow
  • Models
  • Mountain Areas
  • Arctic
  • General Circulation Models
  • CMIP6
  • Parameterizations
  • Deep Learning


  • ESA CCI Postdoc Fellowship, 2023-2025

    UQTR / RIVE / GLACIOLAB (Trois-Rivières, Canada)

  • PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2019-2022

    Institute of Environmental Geosciences (Grenoble, France)

  • MSc in Atmosphere, Climate, and Continental Surfaces, 2019

    Université Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble, France)

  • BSc in Physics / Earth Science and Environment, 2013 / 2014

    Université Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble, France)




Jupyter Notebok












ESA CCI Postdoc Fellowship


Oct 2023 – Sep 2025 Trois-Rivières, Canada

Snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the Climate and Carbon cycle of Arctic regions (SnowC2) supervised by Christophe Kinnard

Snow Model Development - CLASSIC - Arctic regions



PhD Student

Institute of Environmental Geosciences

Oct 2019 – Dec 2022 Grenoble, France

Modeling climate trends and variability in High Mountain Asia to understand cryosphere changes supervised by Martin Ménégoz and Gerhard Krinner

High Mountain Asia - General Circulation Models - CMIP6 - Snow Cover - Parameterizations

Project | Code


MSc Research Intern

Institute of Environmental Geosciences

Feb 2019 – Jul 2019 Grenoble, France

Identification and filtering of oceanic chaos by Machine Learning supervised by Thierry Penduff and Redouane Lguensat

Oceanography - Chaos - Deep Learning - Spatial Altimetry

Report | Code


MSc Research Intern

Institute of Environmental Geosciences

Apr 2018 – Jul 2018 Grenoble, France

The impact of Arctic sea ice variability on the northern latitude in the hydrological cycle in models and reanalyses supervised by Olga Zolina, Maria SANTOLARIA-OTIN and Ambroise DUFOUR

Hydrological cycle - Models - Reanalyses



SnowC2 (2023-2025)

Snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the Climate and Carbon cycle of Arctic regions

PhD (2019-2022)

Modeling climate trends and variability in High Mountain Asia to understand cryosphere changes

Science et Climat

Chaine YouTube de vulgarisation autour de la science et du climat !


Compiles all media content.


Some tutorials about random stuff.

Recent Posts

Modéliser la neige en Himalaya - Mickaël Lalande || T'fais une thèse ?

Mickaël Lalande est doctorant en géosciences à l’Université Grenoble Alpes. Il travaille sur la modélisation climatique. Cela ne vous dit rien ? Il s’agit de diviser la planète en cubes et de calculer les variables climatiques pour faire des projections, facile !

Réchauffement exacerbé dans les Hautes Montagnes d’Asie

Suite à la sortie de mon premier article scientifique sur le changement climatique en Himalaya et sur le Plateau Tibétain (en utilisant la dernière génération de modèles CMIP6), voici un résumé grand public publié par mon laboratoire : https://www.

FLASH | Le réchauffement climatique en cours est-il dû à l'Homme ?

La réponse en moins de 2 min avec Mickaël Lalande, doctorant à l’Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement

Recent & Upcoming Talks

CCI Colocation 2024: Snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the Climate and Carbon cycle of Arctic regions (SnowC2)

CCI Colocation & CMUG Integration meetings 2024

CGU & COHERENT-C/CLASSIC workshop 2024: Snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the Climate and Carbon cycle of Arctic regions (SnowC2)

2024 Annual Meeting of the CGU 2024 COHERENT-C/CLASSIC workshop Lightening Talk (COHERENT-C/CLASSIC) Poster (CGU + COHERENT-C/CLASSIC)

Recent Publications

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Improving climate model skill over High Mountain Asia by adapting snow cover parameterization to complex-topography areas

This study investigates the impact of topography on snow cover parameterizations using models and observations. Parameterizations without topography-based considerations overestimate snow cover. Incorporating topography reduces snow overestimation by 5–10 % in mountains, in turn reducing cold biases. However, some biases remain, requiring further calibration and more data. Assessing snow cover parameterizations is challenging due to limited and uncertain data in mountainous regions.

Climate change in the High Mountain Asia in CMIP6

Climate change over High Mountain Asia is investigated with CMIP6 climate models. A general cold bias is found in this area, often related to a snow cover overestimation in the models. Ensemble experiments generally encompass the past observed trends, suggesting that even biased models can reproduce the trends. Depending on the future scenario, a warming from 1.9 to 6.5 °C, associated with a snow cover decrease and precipitation increase, is expected at the end of the 21st century.


  • Mickael.Lalande@uqtr.ca
    3351 Bd des Forges
    QC, G8Z 4M3 Trois-Rivières (Canada)
  • UQTR/Pavillon Léon-Provancher (bureau 3512)