Improving climate model skill over High Mountain Asia by adapting snow cover parameterization to complex-topography areas

This study investigates the impact of topography on snow cover parameterizations using models and observations. Parameterizations without topography-based considerations overestimate snow cover. Incorporating topography reduces snow overestimation by 5–10 % in mountains, in turn reducing cold biases. However, some biases remain, requiring further calibration and more data. Assessing snow cover parameterizations is challenging due to limited and uncertain data in mountainous regions.

RIVE / ECCC CRD seminar: From ORCHIDEE to CLASSIC: improving the simulated snow cover heterogeneity and its impact on the climate

Two studies carried out during my PhD and my current 2-year postdoc project will be presented. The first study investigates climate change in High Mountain Asia (HMA) from 1979 to 2014 and future projections using CMIP6 global climate models (GCMs). …

ORCHIDEE DEV: Reducing the High Mountain Asia cold bias in GCMs by adapting snow cover parameterization to complex topography areas

PhD defense: Modeling climate trends and variability in High Mountain Asia to understand cryosphere changes

The High Mountain Asia (HMA) is hosting the largest ice stock after the polar regions. This resource provides a freshwater supply to nearly 1.4 billion people, making it a particularly vulnerable region to climate change. HMA includes the highest …

IGS2022: Adaptation of a snow cover scheme for complex topography areas

Snow cover strongly modulates the energy fluxes between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. Indeed, snow has generally a much higher albedo compared to other surfaces and therefore reduces the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the surface. …

IMC2022: Adaptation of a snow cover scheme for complex topography areas

With an average elevation of 4000 m, High Mountain Asia (HMA) and the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are hosting the third largest reservoir of glaciers and snow after the two polar ice caps, and trigger strong rates of orographic precipitation. Climate …

EGU2022: Adaptation of a snow cover scheme for complex topography areas

Snow cover strongly modulates the energy fluxes between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. Indeed, snow has generally a much higher albedo compared to other surfaces and therefore reduces the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the surface. …

SnowHydro2022: Adaptation of a snow cover scheme for complex topography areas

Snow cover strongly modulates the energy fluxes between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. Indeed, snow has generally a much higher albedo compared to other surfaces and therefore reduces the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the surface. …


Paramétrisation de la couverture de neige prenant en compte la variation de topographie sous-maille dans LMDZ/Orchidée