How to Create an Academic/Wowchemy/Hugo Blox GitHub Page With Hugo?

Be aware that Academic theme seems to have become Wowchemy Hugo Blox (definitely it keeps changing…), hence this tutorial might be outdated. Nevertheless, it can be used as a basis, but please refer to the Wowchemy documentation first. I updated all the links below to refer to their new websites.

I guess you are wondering how to make an academic website on your GitHub with the address There are, of course, the solutions proposed directly by GitHub page, however, it looks a bit “old school” in my opinion. Another option is to make the site by yourself in markdown, but it seemed quite long and tedious. I finally came across Wowchemy Hugo Blox1 for Hugo^2 which suits my needs and is the purpose of this tutorial! Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions and/or additional information.

You need to be a bit familiar with the basics of GitHub, but you don’t need any knowledge of html/css.

1. Make a GitHub page

You can directly follow the instructions on their page:

The important is to create the repository, and then we will update the content of this repository automatically with a Wowchemy Hugo Blox Academic template.

2. Install Academic Theme and Hugo

Again you’ll find the steps on their website:

There are different ways to install the Academic theme. The recommended installation will automatically deploy it on a free server, and I didn’t find a way to link it to the GitHub page later, so I recommend following the Git installation from the link above.

Install Hugo

I had some trouble with installing Hugo with Homebrew on Linux. If you do have the same problem, I advise you to try to install it with the snap version (don’t install it with apt-get because the version is not updated: see this issue). All this Academic theme is based on the Hugo Framework so it is necessary to install it.

Fork the Academic Kickstart repository

The new repository name is: wowchemy/starter-hugo-academic HugoBlox/theme-academic-cv, so replace academic-kickstart by starter-hugo-academic theme-academic-cv in the following paragraph.

It will automatically create a new repository academic-kickstart in your GitHub account. This repository will allow you to manage your website, and then publish it into the previously created repository ```. Finally, you just need to clone and initialize the theme on your computer:

git clone
cd academic-kickstart
git submodule update --init --recursive

3. Deploy your website on your GitHub page

We need now to add repository as a submodule inside the public folder of the academic-kickstart repository as explained in this documentation.

The method below seems outdated, so follow the link above.
git submodule add -f -b master public

Then you need to generate the website with the hugo command. First, you can commit and push your changes from the academic-kickstart repository on GitHub and then do the same for the submodule and your website will be available online!

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master

hugo # Generate the website inside the public directory
cd public
git add .
git commit -m "Build website"
git push origin master
cd ..

You can easily make this automatic with a bash script for the future, for example:, and then you only have to write: sh your_commit_message.

4. Update your content and customize your page

You can then follow the documentation Getting Started With the Page Builder and Customization, where you’ll find all the information! Before to start updating, launch the hugo server from your local academic-kickstart folder with the command:

hugo server

you will be able to have an instant preview in your browser before uploading it to GitHub. If you don’t know any editing software, I can advise you Atom in combination with typora which is convenient for directly editing the content with markdown.

  1. Source Themes Academic 4.8.0 ↩︎

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